The Birth of Jesus from Joseph's Perspective ヨセフの目線で見るイエスの誕生 |
Raymond Kwan |
12/22/2024 |
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神の主権を心に |
Kohki Minamida |
12/15/2024 |
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第2次伝道旅行の始まり |
Raymond Kwan |
12/08/2024 |
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エルサレム会議② |
Raymond Kwan |
12/01/2024 |
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神の栄光を心に |
Kohki Minamida |
11/24/2024 |
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エルサレム会議① |
Raymond Kwan |
11/17/2024 |
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くどいほどに私たちを責め立てるヤコブ |
Naoya Hayashi |
11/10/2024 |
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キリストの死に生涯を捧げる Dedicate Your Life to the Death of Christ |
Kohki Minamida |
11/03/2024 |
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第一宣教旅行の終わり |
Raymond Kwan |
10/27/2024 |
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リカオニアでの宣教活動②:忠実な証し |
Raymond Kwan |
10/20/2024 |
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Walking in Surrender to the Rule of Christ Pt. 4 キリストの支配に委ねた歩み④ |
Takashi Kondo |
10/15/2024 |
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Walking in Surrender to the Rule of Christ Pt. 3 キリストの支配に委ねた歩み③ |
Takashi Kondo |
10/14/2024 |
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Walking in Surrender to the Rule of Christ Pt. 2 キリストの支配に委ねた歩み② |
Takashi Kondo |
10/13/2024 |
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Walking in Surrender to the Rule of Christ Pt. 1 キリストの支配に委ねた歩み① |
Takashi Kondo |
10/12/2024 |
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神の子キリストを確かにする |
Kohki Minamida |
10/06/2024 |
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リカオニアでの宣教活動①:偽りの礼拝 |
Raymond Kwan |
09/29/2024 |
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イコニオンでの宣教活動 |
Raymond Kwan |
09/22/2024 |
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神なるキリストを見る |
Kohki Minamida |
09/15/2024 |
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来たれ、知恵に欠けた者よ |
Naoya Hayashi |
09/08/2024 |
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神のみことばの重要性 |
Raymond Kwan |
09/01/2024 |
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讃えよ栄光の神を |
Nick Jensen |
08/25/2024 |
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キリストを目指す |
Kohki Minamida |
08/18/2024 |
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天国に入るために謙遜になる |
Jonathan Yeung |
08/11/2024 |
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Overcoming Despair 落胆に打ち勝つこと |
Raymond Kwan |
08/04/2024 |
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道徳家に対する裁き③ |
Kohki Minamida |
07/28/2024 |
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